• Official Day Application Forms can be found on the PCQ website – https://ponyclubqld.com.au/resources/forms/
  • These need to be completed and the dates approved at a Zone meeting with the form signed by both the Club and Zone Secretary and then forwarded to PCQ by 1 November.
  • Late applications need to select dates around those already approved. [Refer to information on Application Form]
  •  Official and Zone Championship Day Kits can be found on the PCQ Website, as well as
  • officials, rule books and other relevant information for the particular discipline – [under
  • Disciplines/Rules] https://ponyclubqld.com.au/
  •  The Official Day Kit should be read and followed as it is a useful guide
  •  Your programme must be approved by the Sub-Committee: it needs to be sent in plenty
  • of time prior to distributing to clubs. Please forward to the PCQ Office to forward to the
  • Discipline Sub-committee. If unofficial events are run in conjunction with an official
  • competition, this part of the programme must also be submitted. You will be notified when
  • your programme has been approved or if anything needs to be altered: a revised programme
  • would need to be re-submitted for approval.
  •  Using the “Officials” form in the Kit, the names and credentials of your PCQ Steward,
  • judges etc need to be sent to PCQ, to forward to the Discipline Sub-committee for
  • approval at least 3 weeks prior to the event. If there are changes made to the list after
  • approval is given, the sub-committee must be notified and new judges/course builders
  • approved by Chairperson of Sub-committee prior to the event.
  •  “The Report on the Official Day” form in the Kit needs to be completed and returned
  • to the PCQ Office, along with results within 2 weeks of the competition
  •  Please be aware that failure to submit may result in your event not being recognised as a
  • State Qualifying Event.
  •  Organisers can apply to use a person not on the list but must supply details of their
  • experience.