Heart and soul of the Pony Club® Movement
Our Local Clubs are the heart and soul of the Pony Club® organisation. Here you will find great opportunities to learn and advance with your equestrian skills and to do it in the company of others who, just like you, want to get the very best out of their riding experience.
How to find a Local Pony Club® near you
To find a Pony Club® near you, go to the map listed on this page. You can enlarge or shrink the map and search for your local area. Clubs are all grouped in Zones or regions. When you find your area, look for various clubs in that locale and choose the one you feel most comfortable with.
The list of all Clubs is below. They are split into the various Zones. When you look at the Map, make sure you take note of the Zone that your preferred club is in.
Secretary: | Margie Davidson – Mob: 0411 418 349 |
Postal Address: | 224 Whiteside Road, Samsonvale, 4520 |
Email: | zone1@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Pony Club location | Pony Club PIC | |
Brookfield | Heather Russell | P.O. Box 61, Kenmore, 4069 | 0481 085 893 | secretary@brookfieldponyclub.org.au | Brookfield Showgrounds | QJBB0368 |
Corinda | Diana Frazer | P.O.Box 343, Corinda, 4075 | 0410 541 515 | corindapc@hotmail.com | Rinora St, Corinda | QDBB1116 |
Darra Oxley | Chonnie Kururangi | 23 Kathmaur Avenue, Ellen Grove, 4078 | 0404 244 799 | dopcsecretary@outlook.com | Boundary Rd, Richlands | QKBB0554 |
Gumdale | Riana Davis | 108 Wright Street, Carindale, 4152 | 0422 893 157 | secretary@gumdalehorseandponyclub.org.au | Meadowlands Rd | QEBB1476 |
Hendra | Terri Dillon | 5 Borrows Street, Virginia, 4014 | 0401 468 155 | hpc.secretary@outlook.com | Nudgee Rd, Northgate | QHBB0989 |
Karana Downs | Rachel Ifield | P.O. Box 7080, Mt Crosby, 4306 | 0416241974 | kdpcsecretary@hotmail.com | Powells Rd, Karana Downs | QIBB0454 |
Moggill | Belinda Smith | 41 O’Brien Road, Pullenvale, 4069 | 0418 724 798 | moggillpcsecretary@gmail.com | Lancing St, Pullenvale | QEBB0836 |
Mount Gravatt | Sally Dickinson | 865 Rochedale Road, Rochedale, 4123 | 0484 348 786 | mtgravattpc@gmail.com | 457 Priestdale Road, Rochedale | QABB1858 |
Northern Suburbs | Rachel Kelly | P.O.Box 123, Aspley, 4034 | 0432513803 | secretarynspc@outlook.com | Albany Creek Rd, Bridgeman Downs | QGBB1330 |
Park Ridge | Juanita Rayner | PO Box 906, Park Ridge, 4132 | 0422 603 465 | secretary@parkridgeponyclub.net | Judith St, Marsden | QBLG0271 |
Redlands | Tanya Scott | 240 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands, 4104 | 0439 770 421 | redlandsponyclub@gmail.com | Cleveland/Redland Bay Rds, Thornlands | QGRL0142 |
Runcorn | Brianna Horn | P.O.Box 2211, Runcorn, 4113 | 0411 562 878 | secretary@runcornponyclub.org.au | Warrigal Rd, Runcorn | QBBB0697 |
Southside | Shelly Ward | 109 Barwon Street, Morningside, 4170 | 0424 992 507 | ponyclubsouthside@gmail.com | Barwon St, Morningside | QHBB1383 |
Waterford | Kim Riordan | 13-27 Mellody Lane, Jimboomba, 4280 | 0438 456 856 | wepcsecretary@gmail.com | Newstead Park, Weaber Rd, Buccan | QHED3005 |
Wynnum | Lynne Adams | 322 Greencamp Road, Wakerley, 4154 | 0733 901 438 | wdhpclub@gmail.com | Bognor St, Tingalpa | |
Yarawa | Elliot Tonkes | P.O. Box 513, Kenmore, 4069 | 0407 659 625 | yarawapc@gmail.com | Yarawa St, Kenmore | QDBB0869 |
Secretary: | Belinda North – Ph: 0423 437 843 |
Postal Address: | 7 Currong Crescent, Mudgeeraba 4213 |
Email Address: | zone2@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Beaudesert | Kay Paulsen | P.O.Box 27, Beaudesert, 4285 | 0419 741 273 | beaudesertpc@gmail.com | Beaudesert Showgrounds | QEBD1645 |
Cedar Creek | Chloe Wilson | 112 Cartwright Road, Buccan, 4270 | 0481 194 011 | welshpine@icloud.com | Beenleigh/Beaudesert Road | |
Fassifern | Adrienne Marrone | 265 Roadvale Harrisville Road, Blantyre, 4310 | 0492 812 922 | fhpcsecretary@gmail.com | Boonah Showgrounds | QABN1634 |
Greenbank | Natalie Hodges | P.O.Box 1002, Park Ridge 4125 | 0410 534 340 | greenbankpc@gmail.com | L 201 Campbell Road | QJBD3818 |
Jimboomba | Katie Kennedy | 184 Innisplain Road, Innisplain, 4285 | 0429 022 383 | jimboombaponyclub@live.com.au | Mt Lindsay Highway | QHBD2221 |
Mudgeeraba | Belinda North | PO Box 7, Mudgeeraba, 4213 | 0423 437 843 | mudgeeraba.phc@gmail.com | Worongary Road | QIGC0446 |
Nerang | Kate Morrissey | P.O. Box 35. Nerang 4211 | 0410 486 241 | admin@nerangponyclub.com.au | Yarrimbah Drive | QJGC2953 |
Oxenford | Susan Hornery | P.O.Box 290, Oxenford 4210 | 0438 937 035 | oxenfordsecretary@outlook.com | Charlies Crossing Road, Oxenford | |
Rathdowney | P.O. Box 227, Rathdowney, 4287 | rathdowneyponyclub@gmail.com | Rathdowney memorial Grounds, Running Ck Rd & My Lindsay H’way, Rathdowney | QDBD1854 | ||
Southport | Kylie Bellamy | 116 Michigan Drive, Oxenford, 4210 | 0407 924 443 | secretarysouthportpc@gmail.com | Queen Street | QAGC1874 |
Tallebudgera | Danielle Bel-Saunders | U46 2-4 Langport Parade, Mudgeeraba 4213 | 0414 437 678 | secretary@tallebudgeraponyclub.com | Andrews Road | QBG1593 |
Tamborine | Melinda Hughes | 81 Pepperina Drive, Stockleigh, 4280 | 0407 370 422 | tamborine@ponyclubqld.com.au | 2205 Beaudesert – Beenleigh Road, Tamborine |
Secretary: | Albert Finnsson- Ph: 0406 254 713 |
Postal Address: | 279 Mt Forbes Road, Ebenezer, 4340 |
Email: | zone3pcaq@outlook.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Brisbane Valley | Ingrid Anne Harris | 227 Linkes Lane, Mt Beppo, 4313 | 0407 231 322 | t2harris@yahoo.com | Ottaba Reserve, Toogoolawah | QAES1026 |
City of Ipswich | Georgina Martin | 2 Binnies Road, Ripley, 4306 | 0452 591 011 | cityofipswich@ponyclubqld.com.au | Sth Deebling Ck Rd, Yamanto | QAIW1488 |
Gatton | Melanie Dowling | P.O. Box 560, Gatton, 4343 | 0409 295 599 | gattonponyclub@outlook.com | 9 Plant Street, Helidon | QBLV0687 |
Hattonvale | Sonia Shepley | 45 Summerholm Road, Summerholm, 43411 | 0401 293 766 | admin@hvpc.org.au | Woolshed Creek & Long Gully Rds | QELL1533 |
Laidley | Julia Hardie | 14 Laidley Creek West Road, Laidley, 4341 | 0427 688 476 | laidleyponyclub@outlook.com | Laidley Showgrounds | QDLL3000 |
Rosewood | Brent Armstrong | P.O. Box 68, Rosewood, 4340 | 0411 109 208 | rosewoodpcaq@outlook.com | Rosewood Showgrounds | QIAW1082 |
Secretary: | Jasmine Baker- Ph: 0438 931 279 |
Postal Address: | 109 Charles Street , Dalby, 4405 |
Email: | zone4@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Allora | Christine Holmes | P.O. Box 68, Allora, 4362 | 0401 480 751 | gandcholmes5@gmail.com | Allora Showgrounds | QKWW2131 |
Bell | Jessica Cassidy | PO Box 81, Bell, 44084408 | 0434 405 254 | jess@cassidyhomes.com.au | Bell Showgrounds | QEWB1299 |
Brymaroo | Michelle Fahey | P.O. Box 292, Oakey, 4401 | 0407 023 807 | brymarooponyclub@gmail.com | Rodeo Grounds | QBRA2317 |
Cabarlah | Katy Kucks | 24 Hansford Road, Meringandan West, 4352 | 0428 974 157 | cabarlahpc@gmail.com | Sports Grounds, New England Highway | |
Cambooya | Nikki Reeves | 11 Lucy Street, Cambooya, 4357 | 0429 128 289 | cambooyapc@outlook.com | Lucy Street | |
Crows Nest | Kylie Cauley | P.O. Box 16, Crows Nest, 4355 | 0429 888 836 | secretary@crowsnestponyclub.org.au | Emu Creek Road | QFCN1247 |
Dalby | Sarah Lilburne | 220 Blaxland Road, Dalby, 4405 | 0488 799 601 | sarahlilburne@gmail.com | Dalby Showgrounds | QABD0072 |
Goombungee – Hayden | Christine Close | Clomar 32 Rummells Road, Goombungee, 4354 | 0400 460 715 | Showgrounds | ||
Kurrajong | Vivienne Bullock | P.O. Box 113, Pittsworth, 4356 | 0439 787 611 | kurrajongponyclub@yahoo.com | Pittsworth Showgrounds | QEPW0235 |
Millmerran | Ariarna Sauverain | P.O. Box 311, Millmerran, 4357 | 0447 951 459 | millmerranpc@hotmail.com | Millmerran Showgrounds | QFMM0250 |
Oakey | Tamara Good | P.O. Box 142, Oakey, 4401 | 0439 199 185 | oakeydpc@outlook.com | Racecourse Road | QEJD0404 |
West Toowoomba | Cindy Wockner | 177 Murphys Creek Road, Postmans Ridge, 4352 | 0403 738 106 | westtoowoomba@ponyclubqld.com.au | Toowoomba Showgrounds | QJJD0526 |
Secretary: | Gayle Bunker- Ph: 0407 572 869 |
Postal Address: | P O Box 360, Taroom, 4420 |
Email: | zone5ponyclub@hotmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Chinchilla | Karyn Loffler | P.O. Box 218, Chinchilla, 4413 | 0429 644 633 | karyn.loffler@bigpond.com | Chinchilla Showgrounds | |
Jandowae | Kate haig | “Oakland”, 410 Niagara Road,Jandowae, 4410 | 0409 486 421 | jandowaeponyclub@hotmail.com | Jandowae Showgrounds | |
Tara | Elizabeth Turner | P.O.Box 197, Tara, 4421 | 0427 460 642 | Tara Showgrounds | ||
Taroom | Fiona O’Connell | PO Box 229, Taroom, 4420 | 0457 868 500 | taroomponyclub@outlook.com | Taroom Showgrounds | |
Wandoan | Emily Gorkow | 324 Peakes Road Wandoan, 4419 | 0438 060 906 | wandoanpc@gmail.com | Wandoan Showgrounds | QKTR0734 |
Secretary: | Trudy Olive – Ph: 0414 554 976 |
Postal Address: | 27 Platypus Court, Mooloolah, 4553 |
Email: | zone6@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Buderim | Claudia Laird | P.O. 606, Buderim, 4556 | 0468 347 658 | buderimponyclubsecretary@gmail.com | Ballinger Park | |
Coolum Beach | Melissa East | 29 Forest Ridge Circuit, Peregian Springs, 4573 | 0417 629 792 | coolumbeachponyclub@yahoo.com.au | Tritonia Drive | QKSC1048 |
Cooroy | Nikita Pallett | P.O. Box 290, Cooroy, 4563 | 0400 318 269 | cooroypc@outlook.com | Johnston Park | QHNS1221 |
Eudlo | Hayley Imrie | 64B Country Road, Palmwoods, 4555 | 0413 514 657 | dhi1@bigpond.com | Sports Grounds | QHSC0541 |
Glasshouse | Alan Mangles | P.O. Box 4909, Beerwah, 4519 | 0407 152 025 | Beerwah Sports Grounds | QKCU0665 | |
Gympie | Judith Carsley | P.O. Box 470, Gympie 4570 | 0419 768 597 | admin@gympieponyclub.org.au | Jane Street Gympie | QGCH0905 |
Kenilworth | Sonia Law | P.O. Box 48, Kenlworth 4574 | 0429797 529 | kenilworth@ponyclubqld.com.au | Kenilworth Showgrounds | |
Kia Ora | Odette Hargreaves | 30 Burns Road, Ross Creek, 4570 | 029 637 304 | kiaora@ponyclbqld.com.au | Tom Beautall Park | |
Maleny | Michelle Soper | P.O. Box 211, Maleny, 4552 | 0484 940 616 | malenyponyclub@gmail.com | Maleny Showgrounds | QICU0539 |
Maroochy | Gavin Leorke | 109 Andersons Road, Yandina, 4561 | 0477 840 539 | gleorke1@hotmail.com | Nambour Showgrounds | QAUC0542 |
Mary Valley | Christine Plunkett | P.O. Box 217, Imbil, 4570 | 0458 931 918 | Edward Street, Imbil | ||
Mooloolah | Leanne Harden | P.O. Box 6123, Mooloolah, 4553 | 0488 161 404 | mooloolah@ponyclubqld.com.au | Way Street | QGLB2500 |
Nambour | Jodi Vivian | 323 Upper Landershute Road, Landers Shoot, 4555 | 0447 469 888 | nambourponyclub01@gmail.com | Sports Ground, Wombye | |
Pomona | Cathy Magick | PO Box 194 Pomona, 4568 | 0429 851 850 | camfam995@bigpond.com | Pomona Showgrounds | |
Tewantin Noosa | Jasmine Soars | P.O. Box 621, Tewantin, 4665 | 0438 737 182 | Butler Street Sports | ||
Widgee | Tiana McKee | 149 Gibson Road, Mooloo, 4570 | 0429 397 783 | widgee.district.pc.secretary@gmail.com | Widgee Rodeo Grounds | |
Yandina | Emma Greenland | 10 Duke Road, Doonan, 4562 | 0474 197 608 | yandinasecretary@gmail.com | Anderson’s Road | QEMO1610 |
Secretary: | Debbie Iker – Ph: 0427 582 809 |
Postal Address: | 122 Old Gympie Road, Theebine, 4570 |
Email: | zone7@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Avondale | Jean Buchbach | 2384 Rosedale Rd, Yandaran, 4673 | 07 4156 5171 | whyceehorstud@hotmail.com | Bush’s Road | QEBX1425 |
Biggenden | Kirsten Bust | PO Box 83, Biggenden, 4621 | 07 4161 6135 | biggendenponyclub@gmail.com | Biggenden Showgrounds | QIBG0443 |
Bororen | Brenda Roeser | 4 Ballock Street, Boyne Island, 4680 | 0437 200 779 | bororenpc@gmail.com | Bororen Racecourse | QFGS0421 |
Bundaberg | Natasha Rupert | 26A Black Springfield Road, Woongarra, 4670 | 0435 863 209 | bunbaberghorseandponyclub@yahoo.com | Bundaberg Recreational Precinct | QABX0038 |
Captain Creek | Meryl Davies | 331 Murphy Road, Captain Creek, 4677 | 0429 948 713 | captaincreekponyclubinc@gmail.com | Murphy Creek Road Captain Creek | QHMV0750 |
Gin Gin | Leesa Wentworth | PO Box 45, Gin Gin, 4671 | 0437 343 811 | ginginponyclub@outlook.com | Bundaberg Rd, Gin Gin PIC QHBX0874 | QHBO874 |
Hervey Bay | Cheryl Brunke | 350 Bidwell Road, Maryborough 4650 | 0407 132 221 | barryandcheryl57@outlook.com | Dundowran Equestrian Pk | |
Isis | Meghan Wehl | P.O. Box 342, Childers, 4660 | 0419 658 552 | isispc01@hotmail.com | Bruce Hwy, Apple Tree Ck | QFIS0677 |
Maryborough | Rebecca Gordano | 185 Eight Mile Road, Glenorchy | 0400 001 583 | mgordano.vip@bigpond.com | Henry Street | QBMB007 |
Musgrave | Serena Curnock | 12 Logan Street, Bundaberg, 4670 | 0411 894 406 | musgraveponyclub@gmail.com | 12 Tantitha Rd Bundaberg | QABX0038 |
South Kolan | Melissa Chapman | 51 Goondoon Rd, Bucca, 4670 | 0428 335 383 | 6 Ruths Road, South Kolan | ||
Tiaro | Debbie Iker | 122 Old Gympie Rd, Theebine, 4570 | 0427 582 809 | ikerclan1@bigpond.com | Inman Street PIC QATI0825 |
Secretary: | Karen Crouch – Ph: 0409 482 501 |
Postal Address: | 25-33 Logan Street Kingaroy, 4610 |
Email: | zone8@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Blackbutt | Rachel Heit | 1022 Old Esk Road, Blackbutt 4314 | 0428 564713 | blackbutt@ponyclubqld.com.au | Blackbutt Showgrounds | |
Kingaroy | Karen Crouch | P.O.Box 130, Kingaroy, 4610 | 0409 482 501 | kingaroy@ponyclubqld.com.au | Kingaroy Showgrounds | |
Kumbia | Kasandra Peddler | 155 Curtis Road, Kingaroy, 4610 | 0400 420 234 | kpedler86@gmail.com | Sportsgrounds | QAKA1084 |
Nanango | Julie Brown | P.O. Box 509, Nanago, 4615 | 0417 749 910 | nanangoponyclub@hotmail.com | Nanango Showgrounds | |
Proston | Danyelle Kenny | P.O. Box 15, Proston, 4613 | 0408 474 485 | prostonpc@gmail.com | Proston Boondooma Rd | QJKK0728 |
Secretary: | Janelle Church Mob: 0439 180 583 |
Postal Address: | 211 Woolthorpe Road, Theodore, 4719 |
Email: | zone9@ponyclubqld.com.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Bauhinia | Marijan Freeth | M/S 2133 “Ulan Downs” Moura, 4718 | 0404 613 840 | bauhinia@ponyclubqld.com.au | Sportsgrounds | |
Callide Valley | Rebecca Allen | P.O. Box 1043, Biloela, 4715 | 0476 231 155 | shahbria@yahoo.com | Biloela Showgrounds | |
Calliope | Catherine Cavanough | P.O.Box 95, Calliope, 4680 | 0438 784 665 | calliope@ponyclubqld.com.au | Taragoola Road | QGOL0819 |
Goovigen | Kerri Rolfe | 855 Davis Road, Orange Creek, 4715 | 0402 714 784 | goovigenpc@hotmail.com | Sportsgrounds | |
Monto | Linda Brown | 12781 Gladstone-Monto Road, Monto, 4630 | 0409 061 824 | Aerodrome Road | ||
Moura | Lacey Townsend | P.O.Box 200, Moura, 4718 | 0427 974 180 | mourahackandponyclub@gmail.com | Dawsons Highway | QIBM1836 |
Theodore | Melanie Shannon | PO Box 63, Theodore, 4719 | 0418 670 647 | theodore@ponyclubqld.com.au | Theodore Showgrounds | QHBM1623 |
Wowan | Nicole Besch | “Thendara”, Wowan, 4702 | 0408 797 914 | wowan@ponyclubqld.com.au | Wowan Showgrounds |
Secretary: | Deb McLucas – Ph: 0428 380 191 |
Postal Address: | 247 Olletts Road, Eton, 4741 |
Email: | mackayzone10@gmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Mackay | Kelly Ash | P.O.Box 123, Walkerston, 4751 | 0437 233 992 | mackayponyclub@gmail.com | Peak Downs Highway, Eton | |
Mackay North | Kirsty Greaves | PO Box 8123, Mount Pleasant, 4740 | 0481 967 621 | billabongchick9090@hotmail.com | Riverside Drive, Cremorne | |
Moranbah | Talina Thompson | 2 Turner Court, Moranbah, 4744 | 0437 702 890 | moranbahhorseandponyclyb@gmail.com | Sarchedon Road, Moranbah | |
Nebo | Joy Coopper | P.O. Box 4 Nebo, 4742 | 0418 192 507 | joy.cooper@ambulance.qld.gov.au | Oxford Street | |
Pioneer River Valley | Deanne Bode | P.O. Box 522, Mackay, 4740 | 0488 042 807 | prvponyclub@hotmail.com | Balnagowan via Pleystow | |
Sarina | Nerida Ferrington | P.O. Box 6, Sarina, 4737 | 0401 205 582 | sarinaponyclub@hotmail.com | Showgrounds, Mackay Rd | QFSR2000 |
Secretary: | Samantha Gilchrist- Ph: 0499 764 298 |
Postal Address: | 205 Mountain View Road, Airville, 4807 |
Email: | pcaqzone11@gmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Alligator Creek | Felicity Kippin | 50 Palm Street, Rowes Bay, 4810 | 0423 878 464 | felicitykippin@gmail.com | Parkland Road | QDTV0233 |
Ayr | Dee Formilan | PO Box 763, Ayr 4807 | 0439 746 639 | ayrponyhackclub@gmail.com | Lower Wickham St | QLBZ0107 |
Black River | Angela Hawking | P.O. Box 510, Deeragun, 4818 | 0448 977 717 | Bruce Highway | ||
Charters Towers | Bronwyn Dyson | P.O.Box 791, Charters Towers, 4820 | 0428 695 477 | ctpcsecretary@hotmail.com | Flinders Highway | QBCE0037 |
Giru | Debra Magatelli | 189 Craig Street, Ayr, 4807 | 0427 889 938 | debrascakecreations@gmail.com | ||
Herbert River | Helen Hobbs | P.O. Box 1740, Ingham, 4850 | 0419 999 840 | Townsville Road | ||
Moondarga | Ashlea Mann-Carthey | P.O. Box 10160, Rasmussen, 4813 | 0488 073 857 | moondargaponyclub@hotmail.com | Hammond Way, Kelso | |
Townsville | Kelli Slatter | 1 Equine Court, Idalia, 4811 | 0411 706 390 | townsvilledistrictponyclub@gmail.com | Stuart Drive, Wulguru |
Secretary: | Sarah North Mob: 0419 252 118 |
Postal Address: | 22123 Carnarvon Highway, Surat, 4417 |
Email: | zonetwelve@outlook.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Dirranbandi | Sophie Carroll | P.O. Box 79, Dirranbandi, 4486 | 0428 258 393 | dirranbandiponyclub@gmail.com | Ida Street | |
St George | Jodi Hyland | P.O. Box 40, St George, 4487 | 0402 512 123 | stgeorgeponyclub@outlook.com | Boonbah Street |
Secretary: | Charmaine Thureson Ph: 0456 741 118 |
Postal Address: | 131 Galatea Street, Chaleville, 4479 |
Email: | charmaine79@hotmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Augathella | Jolene Varga | 14 Main Street, Augathella, 4470 | 0429 563 708 | augathella@ponyclubqld.com.au | Rodeo Grounds | |
Paroo | Joanne Warren | Talbalba Station, Cunnamulla, 4490 | 0268 747 473 | Cunnamulla Showgrounds | ||
Quilpie | Kerri Thompson | PO Box 168, Quilpie, 4480 | 0428 315 029 | quilpieponyclub@gmail.com | Racecourse Complex | QAQP0079 |
Thargomindah | Alison Petty | P.O.Box 59, Thargomindah, 4492 | 0428 593 386 | aackp4@bigpond.com | Thargomindah Race Course | |
Warrego | Tania McCarthy | P.O. Box 87, Charleville, 4470 | 0491 057 241 | warregoponyclub@gmail.com | Charleville Showgrounds |
Secretary: | Sarah Johnson – Ph: 0439 779 613 |
Postal Address: | 1557 Star Downs Road, Alpha, QLD. 4724 |
Email: | sarah.head@gmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Alpha | Kerrie Wall | “Green Valley” 35803 Capricorn Highway, Willow Gemfields, 4702 | 0428 356 611 | alphaponyclub@gmail.com | Alpha Showgrounds | QKJI0146 |
Aramac | Penny Brennan | P.O. Box 172, Aramac, 4726 | 0459 557 069 | Aramac Showgrounds | ||
Barcaldine | Kristy Coveney | 122 Ash Street, Barcaldine, 4725 | 0418 310 003 | barcypc@hotmail.com | Capricorn Highway | QGBT0184 |
Barcoo | Clare Paterson | Kaloolah Station, Longreach, 4730 | 07 4658 5331 | Yaraka Racecourse | ||
Blackall | Shaylee Nicholls | 8 Acasia Street, Blackall, 4472 | 0400 737 533 | blaclallponyclub@gmail.com | North Blackall – Woodline Road | |
Longreach | Anne Webber | PO Box 454, Longreach, 4730 | 0427 118 571 | annewebber74@hotmail,com | Bottomstone Range Rd | QHLR0176 |
Muttaburra | Tanya Dawson | Upshot, 3001 Alroy Bogewong Road, Longreach, 4730 | 07 4658 9279 | Racecourse | ||
Tambo | Tamara Nowlan | 56 Stockade Road, Tambo, 4478 | 0447 192 052 | tamboponyclub@gmail.com | Arthur Street | QKBA0209 |
Secretary: | Natalie Barsby – Ph: 0407 820 345 |
Postal Address: | P.O. Box 945, Emerald, Q 4720 |
Email: | zone15pc@gmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Blackwater | Bonita Floyd | PO Box 190, Blackwater, 4717 | 0437 236 783 | blackwaterponyclub@live.com.au | Tom Morris Lane | QCCX0128 |
Clermont | Ashleigh Chapman | Fluers Lane,, Clermont, 4721 | 0431 177 309 | ashleigh_kate_chapman_94@hotmail.com | Clermont Showgrounds | |
Comet River | Natalie Barsby | P.O. Box 945, Emerald, 4720 | 0407 820 345 | Rodeo Grounds | ||
Dysart | Cassie Geeson | P.O. Box 79, Dysart, 4745 | 0422 142 498 | dysartponysecretary@gmail.com | Seashore Street | QABS0487 |
Emerald | Rebecca Fleming | P.O.Box 695, Emerald, 4720 | 0459 820 940 | emeraldpcsec@gmail.com | Barton Street | QCCX0032 |
Peak Downs | Kelly Magee | P.O. Box106, Capella, 4723 | 0432 084 523 | peakdownspc@gmail.com | Bridgeman Park, Capella | |
Springsure | Rachel Pierce | 3171 Ducabrook Road, Springsure, 4722 | 0417 015 257 | springsureponyclub@gmail.com | West Street | QJBH2008 |
Secretary: | Michelle Chicken – Ph: 0437 809 259 |
Postal Address: | 159 Hawkwood Road, Mundubbera 4626 |
Email: | boynesidepecans@icloud.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Eidsvold | Emma Schuh | 86 Telmark Road Eidsvold, 4627 | 0447 790 379 | emmy_lu18@hotmail.com | Eidsvold Showgrounds | |
Gayndah | Nicole Evans | 90 Darlingtons Road, Gayndah, 4625 | 0428 613 153 | gayndah@ponyclubqld.com.au | Gayndah Showgrounds | |
Mundubbera | Michelle Chicken | P.O. Box 265, Munduberra, 4626 | 0437 809 259 | munduberrapc@gmail.com | Mundubbera Showgrounds |
Secretary: | Julianne Madsen |
Postal Address: | 406 Mourilyan Harbour Road, Mourilyan Harbour Qld. 4858 |
Email: | secretaryzone18pc@yahoo.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Atherton | Zoe McMurtrie | P.O. Box 983, Atherton, 4883 | 0408 089 724 | adpclub22@gmail.com | Equestrian Drive, Tandara | RBEI5606 |
Babinda | Eileen Kenderdine | P.O. Box 299, Babinda, 4861 | 0418 726 919 | babindaanddistrictponyclub@gmail.com | Babinda Showgrounds | QACA1480 |
Cairns | Victoria Bartlett | 5-7 James Cook Drive, Kewarra Beach, 4897 | 0448 415 633 | cirnshpc@gmail.com | Trinity Beach reserve | |
Earlville | Cindy Wallis | P.O. Box 21 , Earlville, 4870 | 0499 229 943 | earlvilleponyclub@gmail.com | Telford Street | |
Edmonton | Ursula Elms | P.O.Box 63, Edmonton, 4869 | 0488 076 180 | edmontonponyclub@live.com.au | Plantation Drive | QACA0383 |
Freshwater | Anna Cartaar | 560 Redlynch-Intake road, Redlynch, 4870 | 0488 600 006 | fwpcnew@gmail.com | Bunny Adair Park | QJAC0152 |
Gordonvale | Zoe Macor | 81 Morgan Road, Gordonvale, 4865 | 0408 729 511 | gordonvaleponyclub1@gmail.com | Vico & Hive Street | QKCA0357 |
Innisfail | Tara Daley | PO Box 1135, Innisfail, 4860 | 0438 981 402 | innisfailhorseandponyclub@gmail.com | Wattle Street | |
Kuranda | Sarah Gibson | 178 Oak Forest Road Kuranda, 4881 | 0475 087 794 | kurandahpc@gmail.com | ||
Malanda | Philippa Whitting | P.O. Box 803, Malanda, 4885 | 0417 199 924 | pcmalanda@gmail.com | Malanda Showgrounds | |
Mareeba | Wendy Lehmann | P.O. Box 1157, Mareeba, 4880 | 0419 759 118 | benwennq@bigpond.net.au | QKTL0041 | |
Ravenshoe | Jenny Bafico | P.O. Box 264, Ravenshoe, 4888 | 0407 746 388 | ravenshoeponyclub@gmail.com | Marshal’s Park | QIHB0492 |
Secretary: | Sarah Holt – Ph: 0402 506 445 |
Postal Address: | P.O. Box 833, Roma, 4455 |
Email: | secretaryzone20pc@yahoo.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Bendemere | Tammy Harland | P.O. Box 29, Yuleba, 4427 | 0439 617 828 | tammyrowbotham@hotmail.com | Wallumbilla Showgrounds | |
Dunkeld | Sarah Watson | 3487 Ashmount Road, Muckadilla, 4461 | 0447 722 848 | dunkeldponyclubqld@gmail.com | Dunkeld Mitchell | |
Injune | Lucy Christine Warby | P.O. Box 80, Mitchell, 4465 | 0428 503 080 | lwarby.kcc@gmail.com | Racecourse Reserve | QKBI0966 |
Roma | Sarah Holt | P.O. Box 833, Roma, 4455 | 0402 506 445 | roma@ponyclubqld.com.au | Burtons Road | QHBI0987 |
Surat | Melody Johnstone | “Wagganba” 6016 Teelba Road, Glenmorgan, 4423 | 0448 983 918 | melnben@outlook.com | Racecourse |
Secretary: | Michelle Johnstone – Ph: 0427 173 097 |
Postal Address: | 6 Kamarangi Court Warwick, 4370 |
Email: | michellejohnstone_74@hotmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Cunningham | Kristie Pocock | 312 Rodgers Creek Road, Rodgers Creek, 4370 | 0417 488 474 | cunningham.pony.club@outlook.com | Bony Mountain Recreation | |
Inglewood | Trudy Elder | P.O. Box 130, Inglewood, 4387 | 0428 647308 | Inglewood Showgrounds | ||
Killarney | Louise Brosnan | P.O. Box 143, Killarney, 4373 | 0408 248 128 | killarneyponyclub@gmail.com | Killarney Showgrounds | |
Stanthorpe | Susan Gauld | PO Box 1124, Stanthorpe, 4380 | 0432 203 127 | stanthorpeponyclub@gmail.com | Stanthorpe Showgrounds | QKST0814 |
Texas | Jo Bellingham | Mingoola Station, Texas, 4385 | 0437 641 509 | texasponyclub4385@gmail.com | Texas Showgrounds | QIIL0316 |
Warwick | Michelle Johnstone | 6 Kamarangi Court, Warwick, 4370 | 0427 173 097 | warwickhpc@gmail.com | Warwick Showgrounds |
Secretary: | Michelle Johnstone – Ph: 0427 173 097 |
Postal Address: | 6 Kamarangi Court Warwick, 4370 |
Email: | michellejohnstone_74@hotmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Bowen | Racecourse Reserve | |||||
Cannonvalley | Abigail Lee | PO Box 774, Cannonvale, 4802 | 0481 994 914 | cannonvalleypc@gmail.com | Riordanvale Road | QDWS0115 |
Collinsville | Susan O’Loughlin | P.O.Box 67, Collinsville, 4804 | 0400 356 756 | Pelligan Creek | ||
Proserpine | Amber Greenhalgh | P.O. Box 359, Proserpine, 4800 | 0475 555 674 | proserpineponyclub@live.com.au | Kelsey Creek Road |
Secretary: | Narelle Shaw Ph: 0427 413 342 |
Postal Address: | 25 Simpson Street, Richmond QLD. 4822 |
Email: | nsh46921@bigpond.net.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Flinders | Alison Read | Mt Develon Station, Hughenden, 4821 | 0429 701 336 | alisonread67@bigpond.com | Racecourse | |
Richmond | Narelle Shaw | P.O. Box 144, Richmond 4822 | 0427 413 342 | nsh46921@bigpond.net.au | Racecourse Reserve | QFRD0171 |
Winton | Jodie Smith | P.O. Box 418, Winton, 4735 | 0429 382 886 | winton@ponyclubqld.com.au | Winton Showgrounds | QEWT0243 |
Secretary: | Lesley Laffey – Ph: 0429 421 353 |
Postal Address: | P.O. Box 284 Cloncurry Qld. 4824 |
Email: | laffeysl@bigpond.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Cloncurry | Taylor Jacobson | PO Box 249, Cloncurry, 4824 | 0467 376 411 | taylorjacobson03@gmail.com | Airport Road | |
Julia Creek | Alisha Guild | P.O. Box 3, Julia Creek, 4823 | 0417 192 052 | alisha.guild@icloud.com | Racecourse Reserve | |
Mount Isa | Alyce Rosenthal | P.0. Box 389, Mount Isa, 4825 | 0437 922 871 | ajrosenthal@bigpond.com | Dajarra Road |
Secretary: | Renee Wright – Ph. 0408 210 018 |
Postal Address: | 202 Oakey Flat Road, Morayfield 4506 |
Email: | zone26secretary@outlook.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Albany Creek | Antoinette Williams | 6 / 18 Emma Street, Bracken Ridge, 4017 | 0422 499 213 | info@albanycreekponyclub.com.au | Greensill Road | |
Burpengary | Lee Armstrong | P.O.Box 218, Burpengary, 4505 | 0418 745 139 | admin@burpengaryponyclub.com.au | Burpengary Equestrian Centre | QFCB1540 |
Caboolture | Jody Tindoy | P.O.Box 884, Caboolture, 4510 | 0401 535 362 | Richards Road Wamuran | ||
Dayboro | Samone French | PO Box 191, Dayboro, 4521 | 0411 049 162 | secretary@dayboroponyclub.com.au | Dayboro Showgrounds | QAPR0388 |
Kilcoy | Di Youles | 248 Winya Road, Kilcoy, 4515 | 0400 973 414 | youles@kcs.net.au | Kilcoy Showgrounds | QEKC0434 |
Mt Delaney | Tayla Mowen | 190 Old Esk Road, South East Nanango | 0403 111 767 | tmowen2@outlook.com | ||
Narangba | Renee Wright | 12-20 McClure Road, Upper Caboolture, 4510 | 0408 210 018 | ren202@optusnet.com.au | Callaghan Road | QJCB1767 |
Pine Rivers | Helen Earley | P.O. 109, Petrie | 0435 023 745 | pinerivers@ponyclubqld.com.au | Dayboro Road, Whiteside | QAMY1108 |
Redcliffe | Aiden Pearson | P.O. Box 376, Deception Bay, 4508 | 0402 367 435 | redcliffe@ponyclubqld.com.au | McGahey Street, Rothwell | |
Samford | Kate O’Toole | P.O. Box 165, Samford, 4520 | 0403 011 334 | secretarysgvpc@gmail.com | Richards Road, Samford | QKPR1506 |
Toorbul | Leagh Chaplin | 135 Leahy Road, Caboolture, 4510 | 0418 985 184 | toorbulponyclub@gmail.com | Pumicestone Road | |
Woodford | Sue Smith | P.O. Box 1238, Woodford 4514 | 0409 633 249 | appysue62@gmail.com | Nerum Road | QICB0711 |
Secretary: | Kylie Smith Mob: 0438 336 244 |
Postal Address: | 231 Stones Road, Woodbury, 4703 |
Email: | zone27qld@gmail.com |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Alton Downs | Sharyn Bean | 1105 Glenroy Rd, Morinish 4702 | 0400 733 309 | Waroulia Reserve | QAFR1429 | |
Bajool | Emma McKee | 55 High Street, Bajool, 4699 | 0429 408 210 | bajoolponyclub@outlook.com | High Street | QAFR1488 |
Balmoral | Emma Neale | 85 Springs Road, Upper Ulam 4699 | 0419 791 376 | Fiddes Street, Rockhampton | QJRH0429 | |
Bouldercombe | Charlotte Richardson | 12 Carroll Lane, Bouldercombe, 4702 | 0448 333 879 | bouldercombeponyclub@gmail.com | Bouldercombe Recreation Complex | QERH1000 |
Clarke Creek | Stacey Boulton | 1548 May Downs Road, Middlemount, 4746 | 0447 610 597 | staceyandlesterbolton@hotmail.com | Rodeo Grounds | |
Crompton Park | Alexis Livingstone | 1004 Lion Mountain Road, Alton Downs, 4702 | 0401 621 983 | cromptonpark@ponyclubqld.com.au | Gracemere Road | QCRH0960 |
Fitzroy River | Cathy Everingham | 133 Bond Road, Alton Downs, 4702 | 0429 341 051 | Reaney Street, North Rockhampton | QFRH0878 | |
Gracemere | Michelle Firth | PO Box 193, Gracemere, 4712 | 0438 326 426 | gracemerehpc@gmail.com | Recreation Grounds | QDRH0858 |
Marlborough | Clare Farmer | 9 Atkinson Road, Yaabma, 4704 | 0407 968 661 | clareffarmer@hotmail.com | Rodeo Grounds | QDLI0786 |
Parkhurst | Leisa Skinner | P.O.Box 3033, Rockhampton, 4700 | 0403 528 101 | parkhurstponyclub@hotmail.com | Norman Road, North Rockhampton | QBRH0942 |
The Caves | Elizabeth Jones | 159 Greiss Road, The Caves,4702 | 0419 660 059 | Rosmoya Road | QHLI1612 | |
Yeppoon | Petricia Tarry | 246 Lake mary Road, Yeppoon, 4703 | 0428 268 303 | yeppoonponyclub@gmail.com | Rockhampton Road | QELI0817 |
Secretary: | Michael Shaw – Ph: 0427 717 435 |
Postal Address: | P O Box 1314, Goondiwindi, 4390 |
Email: | mshaw@grc.qld.gov.au |
Pony Club | Contact | Postal Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Pony Club Location | Pony Club PIC |
Goondiwindi | Clare Mailler | P.O.Box 658, Goondiwindi, 4390 | 0428 265 707 | goondiwindi@ponyclubqld.com.au | Goondiwindi Showground | |
Yarrill Creek | Cecilie Schwerin | 332 Burradoo Road, Goondiwindi, 4390 | 0427 523 948 | ycpc28@gmail.com | Yagaburne Cricket Grounds, Goondiwindi | QGBW0063 |