The following information provides a list of grant funding opportunities available from Queensland based and National grant funding providers who seek to support individuals and non-profit organisations (e.g. clubs and zones) for a range of funding needs and priorities.

Pony Club Queensland will actively promote the grant funding opportunities via e-mail to zones, clubs and members to advise when various grant funding opportunities are opening or closing.

We recommend Zones, Clubs and Members who wish to take advantage of any funding opportunities familiarise themselves with opening and closing dates to avoid disappointment.

If you have any further questions regarding the information provided, please contact PCQ office on 3216 1255 or email admin@ponyclubqld.com.au

The Moreton Bay Individual Achievement Grant (Moreton Bay Region only)

Short Description

SWIN Pathways Program 
(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

Short Description

Fair Play Vouchers 
(Qld Govt)

Short Description

Short Description

SWIN Pathways Program (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

The Pathways Programs is SWINs priority program. It was created to further the sporting journeys of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people through assistance with the costs of competing, which can often exempt families from being able to send their young people to competition.
This program provides pathways for young people to travel the state to represent their communities at regional and state level sporting competitions.

Developing Funding Applications

There are several grants open to sporting clubs usually ranging from $1,000- $7,500 for training and development or up to $35,000 for larger projects, equipment and infrastructure. Other opportunities include subsidies for larger projects that do require a contribution from the applicant organisation.

To have improve chances of success clubs need to be prepared ahead of time; that is, know what they need, the cost of the project and the urgency of the need. This is done through following the simple steps outlined below:

Step 1: Identify projects, things you wish to seek funding for.

This is best done by holding a planning meeting that includes all stakeholders.
Make sure you minute the meeting and record the projects identified.

Step 2 Categorise the projects.

Training and Education, Participation, Facility Development, Meeting member needs, Legislative/Organisation requirements, etc.

Step 3 Prioritize the projects.

Are they High need – e.g. Safety, to meet members’ needs, part of long term plan, strengthening club diversity etc.

Step 4 Develop projects Plan

This does not need to be too formal, but you will need to know:

  • What needs to be done.
  • How will it be done.
  • Who will carry out the work.
  • How much will it cost.
  • How long will it take to complete.
  • Do you need/have planning permission

Step 5 Benefit Statement

You Need to know:

  • Who will it benefit from the project.
  • Will it improve member services.
  • Will it attract new members.
  • Is it a safety or organisational requirement.

Step 6 Supporting Documentation

Most funding applications need supporting documentation, these will usually include:

  • Copy of your incorporation Certificate
  • Details of your committee
  • Costs of project and/or quotes
  • Letters of Support including State/Zone/Other Clubs Local Government
  • Proof of tenure; eg Lease etc
  • Planning Approval if indicated
  • Budget

Step 7 Identify Funding Sources and relevant Dates

This can be done by:

Step 8 Read the Funding guidelines of potential sport and recreation funding programs.

This will assist with identifying which program is most suited to your particular needs.

Step 9 Seek Assistance if needed.

Learn more about Sport & Recreation Qld Grants & Funding.