Becoming a coach
When you think of Pony Club®, you think of children. But without the adults, there would be no Pony Club. It is the parents and older riders that keep Pony Club going. But here is the thing! Getting involved in Pony Club is a great experience and is very rewarding.
One of the ways to be involved is to become a Pony Club Coach.
At first this may seem daunting, especially if you are new to horses. But this need not be the case. A lot of experienced people have put in a lot of work to help make this not only an easy experience, but an enjoyable and rewarding one as well..
In Queensland, we are extremely fortunate in that we have two pathways to becoming a coach. Below you will find details of each. If you are still uncertain of which way to go, then have a talk to your Club Chief Instructor or other coaches and get their views on the matter.
Pony Club QLD Coaching Accreditation
Step by step to become a Pony Club Qld Coach
NCAS is the National Scheme for Coaching as provided by Pony Club Australia®.
Each Zone in the state is responsible for the development of the NCAS program within their Zone.
Anyone wishing for more information about the NCAS program should go to the Pony Club Australia® Coaching Section for a detailed outline of the scheme, its various levels, prerequisites and delivery.